Experience eternal relief in all kinds of kidney disorders through Ayurvedic healing concepts.
Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda- An Insight into the Natural Healing Process!

The ayurvedic treatment process starts after clinical examination involving three diagnostic methods called Trividha Pariksha: inspection, interrogation, and palpation. The inspection involves observing some body parts like skin, hair, eyes, and tongue.
The interrogation part covers understanding the symptoms and psychological and physiological characteristics. Palpation includes examining some body parts by touching them, i.e. abdominal palpation, skin, etc. According to the result of the entire process, medical diagnosis and Ayurvedic treatment are prescribed.

Ayurveda has several methods for detoxification and purification of the whole body. Since people have different dosha dominant, purification methods vary. A person or patient is encouraged to make significant dietary and lifestyle changes to balance dosha and other biological factors.
The Ayurvedic detoxification process may last up to 45 days, mainly depending on the practices required for body cleansing. Purvakarma, Panchkarma, Massage, Dietary modification, Massage, Meditation and Mindfulness are some highlighted processes used in body cleansing.

At this phase of treatment, a patient is given some herbal medications, mainly composed of several natural herbs having therapeutic or healing properties. Considering the patient’s condition, he is given a customized set of medications.
The Ayurvedic medications are given to the patients depending on their body type, dosha properties, existing complications, symptoms, and other biological aspects. The medications are offered with a personalized touch that gives the best result.

Along with medications, Yoga has been an integral part of Ayurvedic healing treatment. It’s a great method for stimulating body functioning with specific activities combined with breathing.
Some breathing exercises, also called Pranayama, are proved to stimulate overall body functioning.
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Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda?
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Ayurveda has a sure shot solution to cure your kidney problems by correcting your Doshas and other internal imbalances with herbal formulations, age-old therapies, and Yoga. An Ayurvedic kidney treatment package also consists of a personalized kidney-friendly diet chart and some alterations in lifestyle.
Ayurvedic treatment system possesses restorative and rejuvenating properties in which it can regenerate new tissue in kidneys to bring them back to their normal condition. Consequently, your kidneys will start working usually.
Ayurvedic herbs and therapies have several healing attributes, and they can also rejuvenate your kidney health and functioning. Post-treatment, your kidney function gets improved, and they work as they tend to do earlier.
Ayurvedic kidney treatment uses medicines and therapies that do not include any chemical or harmful drugs. Ayurvedic medicines are composed of natural herbs and elements that do not have any negative impact on your kidneys and body. So, Ayurveda is an entirely natural treatment.
Ayurvedic medicines contain combinations of several natural herbs that possess healing therapies which can heal your kidneys.
Kidney failure is a life-threatening condition that can be cured with Ayurvedic treatment, mainly consists of natural herbs, therapies that rejuvenate kidneys’ natural healing.
Several medicines used to treat kidney failure vary from one to another patient as per their body type, Dosha dominance, age, gender, etc.
Several yoga poses are beneficial for kidney problems. Some of those poses are mandukasana, shashankasana, vakrasana, yog mudrasana, ardha matsyendrasana, gaumukhasana, pawanmuktasana, uttan padasana, naukasana, and bhujangasana, etc.
Before practicing any of these Yoga asanas, please consult an expert Yoga instructor.
We're available 24*7 Contact to enquire about your kidney problems and their solution.
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